The roof is often taken for granted and is overlooked for home maintenance—until it’s too late.
Many homeowners don’t think much about it. They assume if they can’t see any visible leaks, if there are no apparent problems, everything’s fine, and they can continue to live under that roof. They may not think about the necessity of maintaining a roof, or what a well-kept roof really means. That neglect can lead to some big, (and costly) interior problems long before that roof’s natural lifespan is up. At STL Roof Renew, we think taking a roof maintenance approach can really save homeowners a lot of money.
How Important Is A Roof for Protecting a House?
Not simply a shelter against the elements, a roof is also a vital part of a home’s structural system. Like any key structural element, a roof can weaken over time. If the roof doesn’t fail completely, it can suffer from partially opened seams, covering that is not totally waterproof, or no protection against the wind. Sometimes the strength of the roof is not enough to keep it from developing super mold, which is the repair contractor access path that’s not in the permit pack because the inspector can’t see it because it’s behind a wall (the only reason it was built in the first place).
What can STL Roof Renew Do To Help Protect Your Roof Shingles?
STL Roof Renew has an answer that helps the average homeowner maintain their roof and keep costs of major repairs at bay. We don’t just offer a service; we offer a process: our roof renewal consists of inspecting your roof and treating it with a specialized formula that strengthens the shingles you already have.
The cost of renewing a roof is far less than the price of a complete teardown-and-replace reroofing job. There isn’t any question about the need for this necessary work to maintain the long-term value of the home. Our highly trained professionals can be counted on to deliver this service—the second most important after maintaining a home’s foundation—right the first time and with high quality.

Contact STL Roof Renew to Get Started
If you have any worry that your roof might be in need of renewing, contact STL Roof Renew and set up a professional inspection. We can discover any problems that may be present and prevent costly roof replacement.